Author: Magister

MONDAY 170717

Workout of the Day 21-15-9*-6*-3* reps for time of: Chest-to-bar pullups (*denotes strict) Front squat Burpees (*denotes strict) L4: 185/125; pullups as Rx’d above L3: 155/105; kipping allowed on all pullups–no banding L2: 135/95; banding allowed on strict sets L1:…

FRIDAY 170714

Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time of: 10 back squats 6 split jerks, alternating legs on each landing Use the same weight for back squats as for the split jerks L4=155/105; L3=135/95 L2=115/75 L1=95/65


Workout of the Day Make up any workout that you missed from Monday through Wednesday this week and log your results to the day when that workout was posted.

TUESDAY 170711

Workout of the Day Four rounds for time of: Run 200 meters Handstand walk 25 meters 25 meters farmer’s carry lunge, 45/35 lb. plates

MONDAY 170710

Workout of the Day For time: Row 10 calories 50 toes-to-bar Row 20 calories 40 toes-to-bar Row 30 calories 30 toes-to-bar Row 40 calories 20 toes-to-bar Row 50 calories 10 toes-to-bar

FRIDAY 170707

Workout of the Day Make up any workout that you missed from Monday through Thursday this week and log your results to the day when that workout was posted.

TUESDAY 170704

Workout of the Day 1 “Wittman” 7 rounds for time of: 15 Kettlebell swings (1.5/1 pood) 15 Power cleans (95/65 lbs) 15 Box jumps (24″/20″ box) Or… Workout of the Day 2 “Michael” 3 rounds for time of: Run 800…