Author: Magister

TUESDAY 160913

Workout of the Day 5 4-minute rounds for reps of: 1 minute overhead squats with PVC pipe 1 minute Russian kettlebell swings 1 minute burpees 1 minute rest Use 20% of bodyweight to determine kettlebell weight

MONDAY 160912

Workout of the Day “Baseline” For time: 500m Row 40 air squats 30 abmat sit-ups 20 hand release push-ups 10 pull-ups then 1 effort each for max duration of: Bottom of overhead squat hold @ 50%, 33%, then 25% of…


Workout of the Day “Run-Row” For time: Row 800m Run 800m Row 600m Run 600m Row 400m Run 400m Row 200m Run 200m

TUESDAY 160906

Workout of the Day Pullup & Double Squat Ladder Every minute, on the minute perform twice as many squats as pullups required by the minute: On the first minute, perform one pullup and two squats; on the second minute, perform…

MONDAY 160905

Workout of the Day Partial & Lightweight “Linda” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of: Bench press, 75% bodyweight Deadlift, bodyweight


For time: 40 Calorie row 10 Box jumps (30″/24″) 30 Calorie row 20 Box jumps (30″/24″) 20 Calorie row 30 Box jumps (30″/24″) 10 Calorie row 40 Box jumps (30″/24″)