Author: Magister


Workout of the Day Thruster Find your 2 rep max. Use a 5-4-3-2-2-2 rep scheme then “Time Priority Fran” For reps: 60 seconds of thrusters, 95#/65# (or 60-70% of 2 RM if scaling) 60 seconds of pull-ups 45 seconds of…

TUESDAY 160927

Workout of the Day 3 rounds for max reps of: 1 minute rope climb, 15′ ascent/13′ ascent 1 minute row (calories) 1 minute dumbbell box step-ups, alternating legs (24″/20″; 35#/25#) 1 minute medicine ball squat cleans (20#/14#) Rest exactly 1…

MONDAY 160926

Deadlift Find your 2 rep max. Use a 5-4-3-2-2-2 rep scheme then “Time Priority Diane” For reps: 60 seconds of deadlifts, 225 lb. (or 60-70% of 2 RM if scaling) 60 seconds of handstand push-ups 45 seconds of deadlifts, 225…

FRIDAY 160923

Workout of the Day  10 efforts, each for time of: 40 yd. weighted sled sprints Rest as needed between efforts. L4=45#/30#, L3=35#/25#, L2=30#/20#, L1=25#/15#


Workout of the Day 3 rounds for reps of: 1 minute situp & V-ups 1 minute sumo deadlift high pulls, 45#/35# 1 minute wall ball shots, 20# @ 10’/14# @ 9′ 1 minute knee raises from upright support on rings 1…


Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time of: 10 back squats 6 split jerks, alternating legs on each landing Use the same weight for back squats as for the split jerks Rx weights: Level 4=95#/65#; Level 3=75#/55#; Level 2=65#/45;…

MONDAY 160919

Workout of the Day “Helen” 3 rounds for time: 400 meter run 21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood/1 pood) 12 pull-ups then Max duration plank hold

FRIDAY 160916

Workout of the Day Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 15 ring rows 15 jumping ring dips 15 supine burpees, 10# medicine ball


Workout of the Day “Danny” As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 30 box jumps (24″/20″ box) 20 push press (115#/75#) 30 pull-ups then As many attempts as desired of: Max L-Sit Hold