Author: Magister

MONDAY 170102

Workout of the Day 4 rounds for max reps of: 1 minute deadlift 1 minute hang squat clean 1 minute hand release pushups Use the same load for the hang squat cleans as for the deadlifts. Hang squat clean load…

FRIDAY 161223

Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time of: 1000 Meter row 25 Russian kettlebell swings 25 Medicine ball situps

TUESDAY 161220

Workout of the Day 4 rounds for max reps of: Bodyweight bench press Bodyweight back squat Kipping pullups L4: As noted above L3: 3/4 bodyweight L2: 2/3 bodyweight L1: 1/2 bodyweight Score is total reps for each movement

MONDAY 161219

Workout of the Day “Baseline” For time: 500m Row 40 air squats 30 abmat sit-ups 20 hand release push-ups 10 pull-ups then 1 effort each for max duration of: Bottom of overhead squat hold @ 25%, 33%, then 50% of…

FRIDAY 161209

Workout of the Day “Danny” As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 30 box jumps (24/20 inch box) 20 push press (115/75) 30 pull-ups