Workout of the Day
30 reps for time:

Clean and Jerk (Rx = Men @135/ Women @ 95 lbs.)

Non-Rx scaling levels (Remember: This is a benchmark WOD; save the “Rx” for when you get up to full prescription weight!):

Level 4: 115/75
Level 3: 95/65
Level 2: 75/55
Level 1: 65/45

Note: If you are revisiting this WOD from Friday and you finished in under 5 minutes, consider leveling up on the load for this attempt.

Workout of the Day Option 2 (For those not wishing to repeat “Grace,” or if it’s just not enough:-)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
12 Walking lunge steps
12 Burpee toes-to-bar